Enhancing Academic Exploration: Student Mobility at Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB)

The implementation of the student mobility program SUSTAIN is carried out through internship activities integrated with Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). This program aims to engage partner university students in deeper exploration of research implementation, starting from formulating research questions, conducting data searches, and writing as a written product.

One of the ongoing internship programs involved students from Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB) for a period of 2 months, from August to October 2023, engaging in research activities at the Research Center for Politics and Government (PolGov) UGM. The internship participants consisted of two female and two male students. These four students are Donna Ardilla Aprilia, Aprilia Natasya, Muhammad Maulana, and Ruslan.

During the internship, the students served as research assistants studying documents related to downstream and surface water management of nickel. They also participated in community programs organized by ADEMOS, an NGO based in Dolokgede Village, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java, held from September 1 to 8, 2023. At the end of the internship period, the students were responsible for producing a written output. One of the published works includes a journal article titled ‘Comparison of Traditional Oil Miners Bojonegoro and Traditional Tin Miners of Bangka Belitung’. The full article can be accessed here.

During the internship activities, the students collaborated with Olav Røhnebæk, an exchange student from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), who was also participating under the project Citizens Engagement and Natural Resource Governance Education (Citres-Edu).

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