The Ademos, collaborates with Politics and Government, Universitas Gadjah Mada (PolGov UGM) conduct a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The FGB focus on media consumption research and discourse analysis-social networks in Bojonegoro Regency.
This activities bring idea to understand of participation and transparency in natural resources governance in Bojonegoro Regency. Furthermore, it contributes to understand how the public consumes information, utilizes media, and identify discourse patterns within the community.
The event held at the Eastern Bojonegoro Hotel area. The participants involves all stakeholders of Bojonegoro Regency Government policies, attended by various cross-sectoral government agencies and institutions. This includes Village Heads from the Ring-1 Migas areas in the Gayam, Kalitidu Districts and the representatives of community organizations.
“This is part of a series of collaborative research initiatives with PolGov UGM regarding media consumption research and discourse analysis-social networks in Bojonegoro Regency,” said Ademos Chairman, Mohammad Khudori.
He explain there are three stages conduct by combined three methods. First, media and social media analysis to map out discourses and social networks related to the oil and gas industry in Bojonegoro Regency using big data analysis methods. This method conducted in August 2022.
Second, the research will gath data through the organization of Focus Group Discussions (FGD) as one method to compile views on how stakeholders obtain information and convey idea. This is include discussing issue among community regarding oil and gas governance
Last, a survey conducted on the perceptions of policy makers in Bojonegoro Regency. Futhermore, the production and consumption of public information related to oil and gas governance will elaborate in this survey.
“There are several goals of this event. The FGD held to identify the most effective media goals, understand the information channels, and media used by stakeholders to convey their views. Furthermore, it give view the implementation the media and how it can provide feedback,” he concluded.
As for the key topics of the FGD, they include how stakeholders obtain information about the governance of the oil and gas industry in Bojonegoro, what media are used to obtain this information, and how stakeholders express their opinions and aspirations regarding the oil and gas industry.